Giving by bank transfer

We could not fulfil our God-given vision without your generous offering of your time, talents and finance. We encourage regular members of the church to contribute to the vision of the church and the activities associated with it.

One way of contributing to St John's is by making a donation via your bank's online banking. If you do not have online banking, you can still contact your nearest bank branch or via telephone banking to arrange this. The account details below is all that is needed.

You can choose a one off payment, monthly standing order, or both.

St John's bank details are:

Bank : HSBC
Account Name : St John the Evangelist Parochial Church Council
Sort Code : 40-11-58
Account number : 40380180 

Please email the treasurer, Graham Warnasuriya if you have made a donation, so that we can thank you personally for your contribution.

Thank you so much for your financial support.

(To Give by Text click here)

Graham Warnasuriya, 09/04/2020